Adventures in PromoLand

Thoughts on the trends and marketing strategies of Promotional Products

Heavy Duty Promos was formed in 2016 with the expertise of Henry Cook III, who had over 15 years of experience in the promotional products industry and the financial backing of Cook Brothers Truck Parts, an organization that for over 100 years has served the heavy duty parts needs for the trucking and transportation industry in upstate New York and northeastern Pennsylvania. 

Why form a promotional products company?  The principals saw a service gap in the market and realized that it could be filled.  While there are plenty of companies in the industry space selling t-shirts and logoed pens, there are very few companies that actually take the time to learn their clients’ goals and initiatives.  Less a sales organization and more of a promotional consultancy, Heavy Duty Promos looks to provide the best solutions to fulfill those goals and initiatives drawing from our background of experience, our relationships with the best manufacturers in the business and desire to be considered a valued partner to our customer base.  With an unparalleled commitment to serving the needs of our clients, Heavy Duty Promos is thrilled at the opportunity to work with you on all your promotional product objectives.

Why consider promotional products?  Quite simply – they work.  There is a mountain of evidence to support this claim.  Think about the promotional products you may have yourself:

  • 91% of people have at least one promotional product in their kitchen
  • 74% of people have at least one promotional product in their work
  • 55% of people have at least one promotional product in their bedroom closet or storage space


Beyond this compelling data showing the staying power of promotional products, there is truly no better way for a company to differentiate themselves to reach their target audience.  Consumers are overwhelmed by advertising messages all day long –  by commercials when watching the morning news, by seeing billboards and hearing jingles while listening to the radio on their way to work, by ads when reading the paper or magazines, by sponsored links when using search engines, by ads on their smartphones and tablets.  A consumer cannot escape the barrage of images designed to get them to take action one way or another.  However, a promotional product is different.  It connects people to a brand in ways all other mediums cannot.  A large survey recently concluded that 76% of people recalled the specific product, the advertiser and the message of a promotional product they had received in the past two years.

To use promotional products effectively, you need the right partner to help you make the right decision for your organization.  A successful promotion is always the one that resonates with your audience after the promotion is over.

Make your next promotion memorable.
Make your next impression last.
Make your next promotion Heavy Duty.
Heavy Duty Promos – your partner in successful promotions.


Adventures In PromoLand

This blog began with a vision that Henry could share some of the knowledge he has amassed over the years of working in this industry.

Adventures In PromoLand

Our goal is to bring you news, inspiration and current trends in the promotional product industry. We provide you with tips on how to leverage the hottest promotional products to further your marketing efforts. Heavy Duty Promos is lead by long-time promotional business guru Henry Cook III, whose professional advice you can count on. Learn more about Heavy Duty Promos and this blog here.

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