How often can it be said that a promotional product can save a life – or save a reputation – by preventing a night from ending badly.  Statistics show that 44% of men and 56% of women said they’ve had their drinks unknowingly spiked (  Although it is an unfortunate state of affairs that causes this product to exist, the world is a better place for it!

The Date Rape Prevention Coaster allows you to test the contents of any beverage for the two most common date rape drugs…simply follow the instructions to make sure what you’ve got in your glass is safe.  The coasters are expensive, but it’s awfully difficult to put a price on something so important as knowing that you or a loved one is going to make it home safely at the end of a night out.  Although the coasters are only be a small piece of the prevention puzzle, they can help reduce the likelihood of something bad happening to people just out on the town enjoying themselves – and could also be a deterrent for would-be predators.

This is a very practical item for colleges, bars, restaurants and health organizations. 

Purchase Here

Pricing starts at $3.90 each for 500, with a full color imprint on one side… please feel free to contact us for more information.

Adventures In PromoLand

Our goal is to bring you news, inspiration and current trends in the promotional product industry. We provide you with tips on how to leverage the hottest promotional products to further your marketing efforts. Heavy Duty Promos is lead by long-time promotional business guru Henry Cook III, whose professional advice you can count on. Learn more about Heavy Duty Promos and this blog here.

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